Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know

Use velcro tape and you’ll never lose your remotes.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know

Bread and toothpicks can save a birthday cake.

Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Cut up a tennis ball for an awesome lid opener.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Sponges can protect your bare feet from a painful bike pedal during the summer.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
MacBook charger or bottle opener?
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Use a paperclip to help fasten bracelets.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know

Nutella lids help keep opened canned goods fresh.

Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Need a watering can? A modified jug of water will do.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Cut a SOLO cup in half to amplify your laptop speakers.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Hate cereal dust (you monster)? Use a colander.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
How to cut grapes or cherry tomatoes.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Cookbook holders are basically free.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know

You don’t need a corkscrew.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
How to make ONE trip to carry in groceries.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know
Easy grilled cheese in the toaster.
Life Hacks That Everyone Must Know

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